I remember—
he married, couldn’t
explain his anger
to his wife;
with no commitment
I veered, my right
preference, really.
We had not yet met.
Walk with me.
you in red, me backless
a bbq, a camera
spicy sweet watermelon salad
deliciously dangerous
you refused
though the serving yours
There were games—
you played,
my lens observed
We barely spoke.
I continued to shoot
past your protest
and with my promise,
you trusted.
In the hour
supple our lips
entwined, told
the same story.
Eyes tied
we laughed at the awe
of our audience,
slightly embarrassed
you drew me back
teeth against my bare shoulder
—I had not left, the impress
of your lips lingered.
“Take a walk with me”
under that willow.
We talked, your intellect
sparked interest, your skin
chemistry. Exposed
with the entrance
of evening revelers
we continued east.
A rest stop intended
became our end.
In my kitchen
I sighed—
your intuition responded
my intuition reacted
the chemical implosion
filled every orifice
and while every logical
cell in my body
wanted to run screaming,
physics demanded
reigned, our lips electric
conducted our bodies
we slept.
Morning found Monday
disregarded. Brunch, beach
our acquaintance
had not known 24 hours
but as we lay in the warm
sand your nose caressed
the sweet skin
between my shoulder blades
and you wrote
of losing your soul
in my smile.
For any of this I
was not ready,
my heart still mending
and reason contending
I pulled away further
as you declared your infatuation
in our 48th hour.
Had I understood,
I would have recognized
the offering of your heart,
heard desperation struggling
to preserve the soul you had lost.
But still searching for my own,
I did not.
When I returned
we talked—your intellect
sparked interest, skin chemistry
eyes trust.
However, hardened dexterior
craving casual encounters
protected assurance
would not allow my admittance
and though the serving yours—
you refused, deliciously
dangerous my
body trembles
hands ache
feeble heart